Monday, September 20, 2010

Special child of GOD

Special child or destiny's child.....we use these words for people who have a different life or something not ordinary may be extra ordinary but how many of us have thought so about ourselves??? One , two ,three or may be none of us. We never realize that each one of us is special in some way or the other. All of us don't lead similar lives, we all are different from each other. We have this habbit of cribbing over minor issues of life that deprives us from enjoying small things in life....all we need to do is, to have a broader view of seeing things and life would become as happy as it can be....and you will realize how precious you are....the value of "YOU".....coz each of us is a special child of destiny....all we need to do is recognize the hidden talent in us...unleash the power within us ......u'll realize how SPECIAL you are :)

Do not lose hope

Don't lose hope, have faith in god....We get to hear these words quite often ....but the point is do we really follow these words?? As and when we find ourselves stuck in a situation where things get out of our control we either lose hope or just leave it on GOD or the supreme power , as some people may call it. The answer to all our questions lies within us. We tend to get nervous and look for help instead of being brave enough and face the problems.You are not a loser until you quit so why quit when you can still fight with all odds in life.Whenever you are in a dilemma and things get uncertain try to disconnect from everything and concentrate on your problem and then look for an answer. All we need to do is have faith in ourselves , the faith that makes us believe that "YES I CAN"....only these three magical words and you'll never ever have doubt on your capabilities....Always remember the saying "GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES" so in order to get help u need to first help'll have to make an effort....GOD NEVER GIVES US WHAT WE CAN'T just be ready to grab whatever comes your way with both your arms open ready to embrace the gift of GOD .......your precious LIFE.....and enjoy every moment to the fullest....n remember to.........HAVE FAITH .cheers